+1 301-537-9704 Info@ethiolife.org

Discover a Path to Wellness

Building a Stronger, Healthier Community Together

Your Path to Wellness Starts Here

We provide personalized wellness coaching to help you achieve your health goals, whether it’s managing chronic conditions, losing weight, or improving your overall well-being. As members of the Ethiopian community ourselves, we understand the unique challenges we face and offer culturally relevant guidance and support.

Our Holistic Approach

We believe in a holistic and personalized approach to wellness, focusing on lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and empowering individuals to make sustainable changes for better health.

Making a Difference Together

We empower individuals and families to embrace healthier lifestyles through coaching, outreach, and education. Your support is vital in achieving our mission.

Personalized Health Plans
Nutrition Guidance
Lifestyle Modifications
Ongoing Support and Motivation

Take Charge of Your Well-being

Empowering You to Reach Your Health Goals

We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to live a healthy life. ELWC provides the tools and support you need to take control of your health and create lasting positive change.

What Our Clients Say

“I have been diabetic for ten years and all along I have been taking medications for it. However, after pursuing Ms. Genet Berhane’s lifeline counseling program for one month, I have fully recovered from the ailment. Over the last year, neither did I take medicine nor was I in bad health. My weight is now down from 145 pounds to 117 lbs.”

Martha F.

My experience working with Genet has been extraordinary! I suffered from migraine attacks all my life. I had to manage my weight under 130 pounds but this had been a real struggle for me after my second child was born. I tried everything but wasn’t able to see results or sustain them. 

My results working with Genet have been remarkable. I lost 30 pounds in just 14 weeks and I am able to keep it off. I am more active, happy, and I have my body back! I am wearing dresses and rocking them! The best of all is my health. No migraines for almost three month!! For those who know me, that’s unheard off! 

I am so happy and blessed to have found and worked with Genet!!

Selam T.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find Answers to Your Questions!

What health concerns do your programs address?

We support various concerns, including chronic conditions, weight management, and overall wellness.

How much does coaching cost?

Initial consultations are free. We offer affordable coaching packages for ongoing support.

Do you offer coaching in other languages?

Yes, we offer coaching in Amharic.

What is the Corrective Diet?

It’s a whole-food, plant-based approach emphasizing nutrient-rich foods for overall health and well-being.

How can I get involved?

Participate in coaching, volunteer, or donate to support our mission.

Who can participate in your programs?

While we focus on the Ethiopian community, our programs are open to anyone seeking natural, holistic approaches to wellness.

Take Charge of Your Well-being

Start your journey to a healthier you. Explore our personalized coaching programs and discover how we can support your wellness goals.

Email Address



+1 301 537-9704